ACC Partnership Programme
ACC premiums continue to be among the largest insurance cost to most employers. ACC has three alternative risk sharing schemes which enable large employers to make savings of between 30% and 90% on their ACC Premium, in return for assuming the cost of claims made by staff. Employers seeking to join these schemes must also meet injury prevention standards and pass an independent audit.
WorkAon can help assess the risks and benefits of these alternative schemes, and manage the claims and rehabilitation process.
Why WorkAon?
There are a number of qualities which we believe set us apart from other third party administrators:
Nationwide coverage – We have staff in 12 locations around New Zealand which allows us to focus on early contact and face to face rehabilitation with injured employees.
Technical expertise – Our Technical Legal Advisor is available to assist with interpretation and advice on difficult claims, while our Branch Medical Advisors offer advice and support to our case managers on medical issues.
Innovation – We are constantly seeking new ways of providing value for our clients. Our web-based Compcalc enables your payroll staff to calculate weekly compensation and abated compensation instantaneously. We can also provide access to WorkAonLine, a web-based system which gives our clients the ability to view all their claim records online.
Integrity of data reporting - Our claims system has been utilised for four years managing over 100,000 claim records. The stability of our information technology and record of data reporting outweighs the performance of other third party providers.
Financial stability - WorkAon is a division of Aon Risk Services, and therefore has the financial backing of Aon Corporation. Financial security and stability is an important consideration when choosing a service provider.
Network of medical & rehabilitation providers - Our nationwide network of providers ensures injured staff receive the best treatment possible as soon as practical.
Experience across many industries - WorkAon has experience providing specialist personal injury claims management services across the following industries:
- Dairy Industry
- Health Sector
- Meat Industry
- Food Manufacturing
- Seafood Industry
- Education
- Manufacturing
- Local Government
- Roading
- Banking & Finance
- Construction
All of these qualities help ensure that WorkAon can help you reduce the impact of workplace accidents on your employees, as well as reducing the financial impact on your organisation.
In outsourcing your claims management and rehabilitation process to WorkAon, we will undertake the following activities:
- Receive and register all claims, and establish a claim file;
- Accept and decline claims on your behalf;
- Make medical fees payments to medical providers;
- Assess and arrange payment of weekly compensation;
- Resolve work injury disputes;
- Co-ordinate injury prevention programmes;
- Represent you at review hearings;
- Ensure medical providers are aware of and adhere to your rehabilitation policies;
- Co-ordinate and monitor rehabilitation plans;
- Issue monthly reports by cost centre, injury type and individual claim; and undertake the monthly regulatory reporting to ACC.
For general enquiries and to find out more about the services WorkAon offers please email us at: nz.workaonclaims@aon.com
For all Accounts queries please email: workaon.accounts@aon.com