Aon are leaders in helping businesses to identify, manage and insure cyber risks. Our in depth understanding of cyber exposures enables us to assist with reducing risk and negotiating cyber coverage in what is a complex and developing area of insurance.
Aon’s dedicated cyber team form part of a global cyber practice which allows Aon to share with you experiences from our clients and insurers from around the world. This will assist you when arranging cover, benchmarking premiums and responding to cyber incidents.
Aon Risk Management Services offers Insurable Risk Profiling and Gap Analysis for cyber risk exposures. Using a structured method of risk analysis to determine key risks and their financial impact, allows for a more granular view of risk and assists with risk management and transfer strategies. The output demonstrates good corporate governance and can easily be linked to your organisation’s broader risk management activities.
Aon Cyber Risk Insurance
Cyber insurance is designed to fill the gap that traditional insurance policies don’t cover, minimising the impact of cyber incidents by providing cover for your own loss and third party costs. It provides your business with a structured crisis response plan and assists with returning to ‘business as usual’.
A cyber insurance policy will also provide:
24/7 access to cyber response specialist IT, PR, legal and forensic experts to:
• Quickly restore or recreate data or software
• Manage customer obligations and business reputation
• Keep the business running
Cover for costs including:
• Cyber response specialist
• Business interruption and lost profit/income
• Data retrieval or systems held to ransom
• Defence and settlement from third party claims and privacy regulators
• A free 1-hour cyber consultation from experts to assist with review, planning and response specific to your business.
Not sure if your business need a cyber risk policy?
Take our quick five question self-analysis. If you answer yes to any of these questions, you may want to consider cyber risk insurance for your business.
Talk to Aon New Zealand’s cyber specialist, Duncan Morrison, today.