January 2025
If you have been impacted by the recent severe weather in Mangawhai and other parts of New Zealand, please stay safe and follow your local or regional Civil Defence and their advice and instructions.
Your safety and wellbeing is our top priority. If you, your family or your business have been impacted, we want to reassure you that Aon is here to support you.
If you’re experiencing vulnerability and would like to contact your local Aon broker, please do so. You can find contact information for your local branch here.
Need to make a claim?
You can contact your local broker or branch here or find claim information below.
Downloadable claim forms
NZI CPF Property
Vero Vehicle Accident
Vero House and Contents
Claims process
Step 1: Contact us | Contact your Aon broker or call 0800 266 276 to arrange a conversation with a broker from your local Aon branch.
Step 2: We will log your claim | Your claim will be registered, and a dedicated Claims Specialist will be assigned to manage the process with you.
Step 3: We will manage your claim with the insurer | The Claims Specialist will liaise with your insurer, advise you on the next steps and appoint an assessor if required.
Step 4: The assessor/loss adjuster will then guide you on next steps.
For any type of loss, good claims documentation can pay dividends. Download Aon's Claim Preparation Checklist.
For large and complex claims
We can assist you in preparing large and complex claims, such as claims resulting in property damage and/or business interruption losses. Aon's team can help you to make sure that your claim is prepared accurately, utilising the full extent of your insurance coverage. Please email: woody.bould@aon.com
Hunter Premium Funding – Financial Hardship Process
If you pay your premium using Hunter Premium Funding (Hunter) and are experiencing financial difficulties following a severe weather event, Hunter have a financial hardship process. You can find information about Hunter’s financial hardship process at Financial Hardship (hpf.co.nz)
Insurance Renewals
If your current policy is due for renewal and a severe event has impacted your ability to attend to the renewal documentation, please contact your local Aon branch or speak to your broker directly.
The road to recovery
Remember, the safety and well-being of you and your family, and your employees always comes first. Always ensure your home and work environment are safe and take care around all external structures, particularly brick walls, which may have become unstable. We suggest you also take steps to ensure your property is secure.
For insurance related questions and claim assistance, please contact your local Aon office or call us on 0800 266 276.
We also suggest you use the information on this resource site and request assistance from the many agencies and useful websites that are available.
Insurance resources
Claim preparation checklist
After a major loss occurs, the primary focus is to restore things to normal as soon as possible. However, a major loss triggers a series of activities and transactions that need to be documented. Key among them is your insurance claim. For any type of loss, good claims documentation can pay dividends. Download Aon's Claim Preparation Checklist.
Advice for farmers on irrigation, pumps and associated equipment
Pumps, irrigators, pivots and associated equipment on farms sustain damage from natural disaster. Land movement, changes in artesian water levels and silt in water all have the potential to cause major damage to pumps, shafts and screens. Please contact your local AonAgri broker or call us on 0800 266 276 for further advice and support.
Aon reopening your business
Many businesses must close their offices, plants, warehouses and other facilities as a result of a natural disaster. While the closure may have been for a number of different reasons there are some basic things to consider as you recover. Download Aon's advice on reopening / reoccupying your site or tenancy.
Advice on unsafe buildings
Unsafe buildings may be dangerous and may need to be demolished. You are advised to contact the local Council and follow the official process. In all cases, the property owner and/or contractor undertaking the work are strongly advised to contact the Council before commencing work. Carrying out work that does not fall within the emergency provisions may affect insurance coverage and the Council’s ability to authorise the work retrospectively. Aon recommends you follow the advice from the Council and that you contact your broker for advice on your insurance policy.
Tips for coping after natural disaster
It's normal to feel anxious about your safety, and that of your family and whanau, and it's normal to feel jumpy and scared. The Mental Health Foundation of New Zealand has great advice and resources for people affected by earthquakes and natural disasters. Visit their website for information on what to do in an emergency or crisis.