With legal costs and claims by third parties for damages constantly on the rise, it's never been more important to have Professional Indemnity and Public Liability insurance that protects you and your business.
At Aon, we’ve invested time and resources to design business insurance policies that meet the unique requirements of different professions and industries.
Whether it’s professional indemnity insurance, product liability insurance or public liability insurance, our dedicated teams provide expert support to help keep you and your business covered.
We cater to all professions and businesses including accountants, architects, lawyers, engineers, surveyors, valuers, real estate agents and others operating both within New Zealand and overseas.
We have a suite of professional indemnity covers available that you can apply for:
Accountants – Professional Indemnity and associated companion policies
To find our more and arrange a quotation contact us on 04 8194000 (Aon Professional Risks) or email Aon Abacus Team at nz.abacus@aon.com
IT Contractors - Technology Liability
To find out more and apply please contact us on 0800 236 343 or email us at nz.it.contractors@aon.com
Health Professionals - Professional Indemnity Malpractice Insurance
To find out more and apply please contact us on 0800 266 665 or email us at nz.hp@aon.com
Immigration Advisers - Liability package
Coming soon.