Aon New Zealand is the leading provider of insurance broking, risk management and associated services both in New Zealand and globally.
Through access to New Zealand’s largest and most trusted insurers, Aon designs and places insurance for individuals, small and medium businesses, corporate business and rural.
Our experienced brokers pride themselves on understanding their client’s needs to provide an extensive range of broking and financial services at a local, regional, national and global level.
We continually invest in our professional talent, technology and the development of specialised products to serve our clients in all major industry groups.
Industry-leading global resource
Aon New Zealand is part of the global Aon Corporation, world leaders in insurance broking, risk management, reinsurance and human capital consulting.
Through a network of over 120 countries and 50,000 employees, Aon unites to provide global strength and security for each and every one of its clients.
Our people
Aon brokers act as your independent advocate to insurers, negotiating on your behalf to save you time, money and the worry arising from navigating and understanding complex insurance contracts.
Our qualified, insurance specialists are committed to understanding your unique personal and business needs and provide a pragmatic solution to fit your requirements – giving you appropriate cover at competitive prices.
我们专业且资深的保险经纪人在充分理解您个人和商业的所需的基础上,致力于为您量身订做各类 价格合理, 具全面保障性的保险方案。
Aon’s dedicated claims service assists you at all times; no matter how big or small your claim is.
Through our professional service, we create risk management and insurance solutions that protect your assets, safeguard liabilities and minimise your total insurance cost.
We’re here to help
Aon have a number of brokers throughout New Zealand who speak multiple languages and who will discuss and translate your insurance needs in your own language.
Auckland - Corporate (North Island)
奥克兰 – 市中心 (北岛)
Lee Cui, National Sales Director
崔理 ,亚太业务总监
T: +64 9 362 9047
M: +64 27 216 0510
E: lee.cui@aon.com
Languages spoken: Mandarin / Cantonese
使用语言:国语 / 粤语
Qualification(s): Bachelor of Commerce
资格证书: 商学士
Auckland - Newmarket (North Island)
奥克兰 – Newmarket (北岛)
Aon Asian Team – Aon 亚洲团队
Contact details: - 联系方式
Hotline: 0800 266 275 – 热线电话
Email: aonasianbroking@aon.com – Email地址
Team Members - 亚洲团队小组成员
Issac Xu - Team Leader – 团队组长
M: +64 27 571 9504
Languages spoken: Mandarin 使用语言:国语
Qualification(s): Bachelor of Business Studies, PG Cert. - Management and Business Administration, ANZIIF ASSOC
资格证书:商学士 / 商业管理学研究生 / 澳新保险与财经学会会员
Joey Zhang – Account Executive - 客户经纪人
M: +64 27 205 7747
Languages spoken: Mandarin 使用语言:国语
Qualification(s): Bachelor of Business, ANZIIF ASSOC
资格证书:商学士 / 澳新保险与财经学会会员
Jerry Siu – Account Broker - 经纪人
M: +64 27 243 3616
Languages spoken: Mandarin & Cantonese 使用语言:国语和广东话
Qualification(s): Bachelor of Arts
May Ip – Account Broker - 经纪人
Languages spoken: Mandarin & Cantonese 使用语言:国语和广东话
Qualification(s): Bachelor of Commerce
Wellington (North Island)
惠灵顿 (北岛)
Cici Zheng, Account Executive
郑小溪, 客户经纪人
T: +64 4 819 4037
M: +64 27 553 1952
E: cici.zheng@aon.com
Languages spoken: Mandarin
Qualification(s): BCA
Shally Webb, Life Broker
石 利, 保险理财顾问
T: +64 4 298 1685
M: +64 27 801 8107
E: shally.webb@aon.com
Languages spoken: Mandarin
使用语言:国语 / 日语
Qualification(s): Master of Computer Science; Bachelor of Graphic Design
资格证书:计算机科学硕士, 平面设计学士
Vicky Chiu, SME & Corporate Broker
Vicky 招, 客户经纪人
T: +64 4 819 4011
E: vicky.chiu@aon.com
Languages spoken: Mandarin / Cantonese
使用语言:国语 / 粤语
Qualification(s): LLB Bachelor of Law, BCA Bachelor of Commerce and Administration
法律学学士, 工商管理学士