Snapshot •    The Pacific region recorded a quiet year for weather-related disruption and losses compared with global trends ac...
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As education providers increasingly rely on digital platforms for teaching, administration, and student engagement, the risk of cyber threats continue...
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In recent years, large losses related to weather perils have had a significant impact on premium pricing. However, while the changing nature of weathe...
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Our H2 2024 NZ Insurance Market Insights summarises how the insurance market has developed across key products and market dynamics as of the end of th...
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Material Damage insurance The main construction contracts used in New Zealand are NZS3910, NZS3915, NZS3916, and NZS3917 (NZS). When using one of t...
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Our Sprinkler System Certifiers updates provide recent industry developments and solutions to common industry challenges faced firsthand – to en...
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Ransomware is a critical risk for companies across all industries, with the frequency, sophistication and business impacts of attacks increasing signi...
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Reflecting the pervasiveness of cyber risks in an increasingly technology-driven regional economy, business leaders in the Asia Pacific region have ra...
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Climate can impact financial institutions in a myriad of ways. The pathways to risks (and opportunities) are diverse, and require a range of tools and...
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As the future of work evolves, our approach to employee benefits must adapt. Company-provided insurance plans are essential for employee well-being an...
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Our quarterly Sprinkler System Certifiers updates provide recent industry developments and solutions to common industry challenges faced firsthand &nd...
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Our quarterly construction insurance updates are about starting important conversations, sharing industry specific perspectives, and using our insight...
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•    Extreme weather events in the current climate have revealed significant vulnerabilities across the Pacific region. •&...
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Aon’s Local Government Risk Practice Group recently hosted our annual Local Government Risk Forum, specifically for local councils. The forum br...
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Healthcare costs are climbing globally, and New Zealand is no exception. The medical trend rate, which reflects the anticipated increase in group heal...
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Our October 2023 NZ Insurance Market Insights summarises how the insurance market has developed across key products and market dynamics over the first...
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With winter now behind us, the best is yet to come – summer days and the holiday season, or as some may call it, the silly season. Whether you a...
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Aon, in partnership with AXA XL In cultural preservation, museums are guardians of invaluable artefacts, art, and history. This responsibility come...
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Congratulations to Taupo-nui-a-Tia College, this year’s winner of the 2023 Aon Emerging Schools Scholarship, who receive a $5,000 grant to suppo...
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You may have noticed that insurance premiums are increasing, and for some insurance types such as property, increases may be significant.   ...
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A Key Tool for Talent Attraction and Retention in New Zealand The inability to attract and retain talent is a growing challenge worldwide, as emp...
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Find out about privacy statements and whether your business needs one. In New Zealand, businesses are required to comply with the requirements of t...
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The 2023 Aon Maadi Regatta was this year held on the glorious Lake Karapiro over the week of March 27 – April 01.An incredible 2267 competitors ...
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Our March 2023 NZ Insurance Market Insights summarises how the insurance market has developed across key products and market dynamics over the last qu...
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It’s something you hope to never have to do but, making a claim on your insurance policy is something you might have to face at some point. Whet...
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As the economy faces significant challenges, resulting in higher costs for food, commodities and energy, employees’ financial wellbeing is becom...
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New Zealand was the first country in the world to introduce legislation to make climate related disclosures mandatory and these standards are now live...
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    Professional Indemnity insurance (also known as PI insurance) is designed for professionals who provide advice. It helps by coveri...
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  New Zealand’s Local Government landscape is continuing to be challenged through regulatory and legislative changes, the increasing imp...
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For many companies, recognising and addressing supply chain risk can seem like an impossible task. But a unified approach can chart a clearer course o...
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The prospect of economic volatility forces a lot of organisations to reprioritise the way they make business decisions. In this article we look at how...
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You probably don’t need another reminder about the increasing incidences of cyber crime – more than enough headlines and stories of organi...
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As climate change impacts the frequency and severity of costly weather events across the globe, the impact is tangible, immediate and measurable. With...
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The changing climate presents an unprecedented source of risk and volatility for businesses. Until recently, there was little in the way...
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In New Zealand, we have seen annual inflation increase by 7.3%, which is a 32-year high. This inflation has impacted many areas of our lives, and impo...
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New Zealand and Australia have seen significant cost increases across almost all sectors of the economy over the past 12 months. As costs continue to ...
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Investors, stakeholders, and regulators are increasingly looking to understand how organisations are addressing climate related risk. Ma...
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Did you know that around 50% of New Zealanders do not have a valid Will? And more importantly, only about 37% of people in full time employment have a...
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Business Interruption Insurance is one of the most misunderstood insurance policies, and often overlooked by business owners, who claim they don&rsquo...
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    This website contains general information only and does not take into account your individual needs or financial situation. It is important to note that limits, excesses, terms and conditions and exclusions apply to the products and services outlined on this website. Please refer to the relevant policy documents for details of cover, the provision of which is subject to the insurer’s underwriting criteria that apply at the time. Please contact us if you have any questions.